#music# There is something that makes me come into your presence My Helper

My Helper o My Helper

My Helper o My Helper

There is something that makes me some into your presence my Helper #music#

If you are in Nigeria, you probably have heard or even sang the above song before. It was no different in the church where I worship. The Chorus leader led the congregation into a joyful mood of praises. I was supposed to be ‘following in the spirit’ but I was actually far away. My thoughts were far off but not disconnected from the immediate environment. “My Helper oooo…” will occasional thunder into my ears but they were not interrupting my thoughts. They were actually fanning the flame of my meditations.

I am reminded of Jesus’ rebuke to the multitudes as they came looking for him. He told them they came not actually to seek the Lord or hear His words, but they came because of the bread and fishes he multiplied and gave to them. His rebuke to them can be put this way: I know why you folks came. Not for the word of God but for food. Not to seek the Lord but for the miracle of food multiplication. You have not come for eternal things but for things that will satisfy your present need. The song above seems to come from the same sentiment: “I come into your presence because I need your help. There is something I want you to do for me and that is why I came”. More like a Philanthropist to benefactor relationship than a Father to child kind. What kind of ‘help’ are you seeking for all the time? I know folks who don’t care a pinch about their souls but go from convention to convention every year seeking for ‘help’. The last time I checked, they were still seeking.

There is a better way my friend: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL THESE THINGS shall be added unto you”. The disciples never came just for the bread and fishes but as long as they were with Jesus, they always had more than enough. They are sons in the kingdom and the resources of the kingdom belong to them.

For clarity, there is nothing wrong with miracles. Neither is anything wrong with seeking miracles from God. Where else shall we go?  He only is the present Help in time of trouble. But if that is the major reason we attend every church meeting, every convention, every retreat, every revival meeting then that is unfortunate. Or am I to conclude that such people are merely part of the multitudes and not Christ disciples. We know the multitudes and we know what they always come for. Jesus attracts them to himself in several ways, miracles being one of them. But when they become disciples, they stay for a different reason. This is a season of conventions and retreats. How will this sentiment continue? How many of these multitudes are disciples? Are we even interested in making disciples of all nations or we just like to see the multitudes? These are food for thoughts.

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